
Building the fundamental blocks of future finance | #SBHACK2019

Written by #SBHACK2019 | Apr 15, 2019 10:00:00 PM

SDX, i.AM Lab, Sygnum and VerumCapital joined forces to define the challenges to tackle for creating a smarter future in finance. It is all about how multiple financial service providers can build a transparent and efficient ecosystem that incentivizes value creation and generates new solutions for asset-backed tokens.

The transformation of our financial system, which was triggered by the rapid technological advancements, will have a great impact on all industries. We already benefit from an improved digital banking experience with paperless transactions and mobile payments. With the help of newly emerging distributed ledger solutions, we are ready to turn previously non-bankable assets into bankable ones.

However, the current systems lack transparency and efficiency when it comes to the valuation of asset-backed tokens (traditional equity, bonds, funds or real estate). Additionally, many of the freshly tokenized assets may not be liquid from the start, which makes price finding difficult.

Thus, trusted third party valuations of the asset fundamentals are key to support adequate pricing until a critical level of liquidity in the market is reached. In this regard, new technological solutions can provide innovative ways of how our society will execute transactions in the future and how assets will be stored and securitized.

To overcome the challenges, we need a marketplace that incentivizes value creation and fosters trust. How do you deal with this problem?

We hope you are prepared and ready to hack this future together with us. We need a lot of bright minds and able hands to make it happen!