
Moving faster towards a smart future | #SBHACK2019

Written by #SBHACK2019 | Apr 16, 2019 10:00:00 PM

VV, Mobility, Amag and Webtiser joined forces to define the challenges to tackle for a smarter future in mobility. It is all about how multiple mobility providers can be brought together in an ecosystem which offers ecological and sustainable solutions for a unified ticketing experience with a convenient per-use payment.

Building the future of mobility is a responsibility we all share. By thinking, talking and working together we can create a sustainable society in which mobility plays a positive role. At the Mobility Vertical of the Swiss Blockchain Hackathon, participants will combine their strengths to create ingenious, and smart mobility solutions for the future.

Mobility-as-a-Service is an upcoming approach to mobility and related to the emergence of on-demand, connected, shared and autonomous vehicles. Previously, there have been several efforts to implement this approach by trying to unite multiple mobility providers in one platform. In most of these efforts, one organization acted as a broker between the mobility providers and the customers. However, since the brokers might have a tendency to prefer well-established providers, a risk of bias always existed.

Consumers demand a seamless mobility experience and an integrated service – from the access to a vehicle down to paying road tolls or even parking fees. Switching between service providers means switching between independent and unconnected systems which results in a lack of shared data. This prevents transparency and adds complexity to the overall mobility experience. Additionally, consumers lose track of their mobility footprint which can add to the negative effects on the quality of life in cities.

To overcome these challenges, new solutions are needed which incentivize consumers to rethink their mobility behavior by making their mobility footprint more transparent. Also, the necessity of a centralized authority managing the system has to be reduced by combining the different service providers in an integrated ticketing experience for the traveler. Finally, a transparent pricing and payment solution has to be implemented, both to improve the overall customer experience and to incentivize “ideal” behavior. What approaches would you take to solving these problems?

We hope that you are prepared and ready to hack this future together with us. We need a lot of bright minds and able hands to make it happen!